In my house, ribs rank right up there with pulled pork. There’s something about gnawing the succulent meat right off the bone or something. Maybe it’s my inner cavewoman coming through? IDK, but I love me some fall off the […]
Lori Wallace-Roberts
It’s hard enough to take a decent selfie of yourself (it certainly is for me), but taking the perfect group selfie can be downright challenging. You guys have probably learned by now that I LOVE taking LOTS of pictures of […]
This time around, it’s all about the dogs – the hot dogs, that is! Did you know that hot dogs have been around for millennia, according to the folks over at History? I mean, think about that for a second! […]
Sometimes I just get a craving for those old-fashioned recipes – you know the ones that mom used to make. One of those recipes is stuffed peppers. I’ve never been able to duplicate mom’s recipe (I’ve got a lot of […]
For heaven’s sake – did you know that salad has it’s own month these days? Yep – absolutely true – May is National Salad Month. I mean, I guess it makes sense to promote healthier eating and to get folks […]
Yet another girls’ day is in the books. For May, I planned a relatively laid back day of shopping, brewery hopping and a quick gift exchange for Heidi’s birthday! What? We can definitely have girls’ day at the breweries, can’t […]
I truly adore pulled pork. I think it ranks right up there as one of my all time favorite foods. It’s definitely not something we have a lot at my house, but boy when we do…yum, yum and even more […]
If you’ve been following along, you probably know by now I have an obsession with easy weeknight meals. I mean, I love to cook, but who really wants to spend hours in the kitchen after a long day at work? […]
Did you guys know that May is not National Photography month? I didn’t even know that it was proclaimed to be, until I saw a post online somewhere. Geez – what DID we do before we had the Internet to […]
With the Kentucky Derby 2022 being just a day away, I thought it would be the perfect time to toss it back to Kentucky Derby Day with the Girls, circa 2017. Yep – I’m tossing it WAY on back – […]
Until about 10 years ago, I kind of HATED avocados. The sad part is I’d actually only eaten them once or twice before I decided that I wasn’t a fan. Go figure 🙂 Then, something or someone (I don’t remember […]
We love Taco Tuesdays at my place, but sometimes we get a little tired of the regular ole’ taco and need to try something else in its place. Right? You, too? Generally, I pull out one of my tried and […]